Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Show Goes On- Music Video

This project we did in video was a music video made by us. The scope of the project was to make a music video using music and while doing this following the 6-shot system and having the video be 1 minute and 30 seconds long. The process of making this video was long but worth it.
           For the Pre-Production part of the video we had to come up with an idea. So are idea is there is two guys. One is a basketball player and the other is a dancer. Both of them are not that good at what they do so at the beginning of the video you see both of them fail. During the middle of the video they try to get better by training and practicing. Then finally they succeed at the very end of the video. When then took this idea and storyboarded it which took about 2-3 days including figuring out this idea.
          The production of this music video was stressful yet very fun at the same time. First why it was stressful was the locations we picked out. The 2 locations we used were the gymnasium and the auditorium. Now what we didn't put into consideration but should of was how busy those locations were going to be. In the end we were only able to use the gymnasium once. The auditorium wasn't as much as a problem though as we were able to shot in there for most of the days. What I would change to no run into this problem again is to either make it so we are shooting in at least 5 different locations or to make sure the locations we pick out arn't going to be used a lot.
           Post-Preduction ah my favorite part. Editing this video took about a week. I had a big decision to make though. Either use just the dancer's shots so the video isn't too confusing but yet the video would be a little short of 1 minute and 30 seconds or use both basketball player and dancer shots but it would be a little confusing considering we didn't get all the shots we wanted for the basketball player but the video would meet the time needed. Well as you can see I chose the second choice. It was a little tough but I tried to make the video make as much scence as possible. Overall with editing I thought I did a decent job.
            The things I learned while doing this project is while filming try to make the subject in the lightest spot so there face or body don't look so dark. While editing I learned how to set markers to the beat of the music so my shots for the video went with the beat which is a super cool thing. I also learned a lot about teamwork on this project. We had to share directing roles between 3 people and as a group were determined to make the deadline for the project.
            What I would do differently is first make sure we have good locations with no one going to be in those locations which leads to the next thing I would do differently is get a lot more shots. Not having those shots really hurts you when it comes to editing time. Things I would do the same is use the same storyboard/teamwork idea we used. Also the types of shots we used were also good.
             The experiences I will take from this project is the form of teamwork used, the types of unique shots we did, and also the new marker tool we learned to do in final cut pro. Overall I thought we hit some bumps here and there during this project but in the end it was a lot of fun.

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