Thursday, October 2, 2014

My Logo

This is the logo I made in Adobe Illustrator. I think the most Important thing about this logo is the background of it:the Gryphon. The Gryphon is a mythical creature that head the head and wings of an eagle and the body and tail of a lion. When someone asks me what my name means I can tell them that it means a powerful mythical creature which I think is super cool. I thought the dark blue gradient went well with the shield. I used a shield because it goes well with the Gryphon and it adds even more of the mythical idea into the logo. I really like the font I used with my logo because it looks good while still kinda having that mythical look to it.

What helped me a lot with the process of this logo was the tutorial I did awhile ago on making a shield in illustrator. The other thing I did was do sketches of my logo. This helped me pick out which one I liked best out of my sketches. What I learned from this assignment was how to make a shield. How to use the gradient tool a lot better. If I had to learn more of one thing it would be the line tool. I thought I did very well. I think that I think I could of done better was making the shield have a shiny look to it.


  1. The border on this logo looks really cool. The only thing that looks a bit off it the black space above and below the picture of the Gryphon looks strange. Other then that this logo is really nice although it reminds me of Harry Potter.

  2. The design is great like the Gryphon,i think you could have chosen a better image for it though, overall i think its a great logo

  3. The overall feel of this logo has a strong lean toward tradition. If this is your goal then continue to explore the idea. I'm not seeing the shiny in this shield. Was this your intention? BTW missing the artboard.
