Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Shiny Shield

This was the the tutorial I did. It was how to make a shiny shield in illustrator. The process was fairly easy and it was also a fun project to do. I learned a little more on how to add anchors and how to make an object shiny. Im getting good at adding colors and gradients to objects on illustrator. Here is the link to the tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6NlFOawIvo

My Font

After taking a font survey I learned that I am Edwardian Script. I then typed my name with my font and analyzed it.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Google Logo

The pre launch to the google logo was between 1997-1998. Google went though lots of color changes through time. When the last google logo was finished Kedar says  "We ended up with the primary colors, but instead of having the pattern go in order, we put a secondary color on the L, which brought back the idea that Google doesn't follow the rules." So google wanted to show that they are creative and that they don't follow rules. The word google got the idea from the word googol which is a number which is exactly 10100
This resembles that google has a TON of search options to chose from. Google has came a long way from when they started to now. For example look at what Google's logo looked like when they first launched google------------------------------------------------>

You may notice that the G is green compared to the regular one which is blue. The google logo has gone through lots of letter color changes through the years and that is another thing that makes google unique but one thing I think that is really cool that google does is on every holiday or famous peoples birthday's gouge will change there logo to resemble that person or holiday which I think is a very cool and unique thing that google has done for awhile.

Friday, September 19, 2014

The Chase

The scope of this project was to have a video that followed the 6-shot system and to have A-B sequencing while having a chase going on. For the process of the video what we did in Pre-Production of our video was story board it out. We wanted are video to not be an original Chase video and to have a person be the chaser. We wanted to add suspense but also had humor to our video. You may notice that the main character in our video changes clothes time to time in the video as this was one of the problems we ran into when filming the video.

The filming process took approximately 2-3 days. Editing is always my favorite part as you get to go back and see all the shots you got, while putting them all together to make our video. I learned that taking the camera off of the tripod and putting on the ground is a great thing to do if your looking for a super cool shot. With final cut pro I learned an easier way on how to trim clips and I also learned how to lower the volume in a certain clip or a certain amount of your video which is super useful.

One thing I would do differently right off the back is to have the main character wear the same clothes or like a sweatshirt for the whole video because with all the clothes changes we have in our video it makes the viewer kind of confused.

One thing that I think I did very well was following the 180 degree rule. Another thing that I feel I did well was while editing I made the shots during the chase scene very quick shots.

The experiences I will draw from this project and put into the next is to make sure if we are doing a video with running or an intense scenes to do quick shots. Another thing I will make sure to do is to don't do the same shot over and over, you want to mix up the shots.

Overall I thought I did fairly well with this project and it was also a lot of fun.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

6 Shot System- Point A to Point B

The close up of the face is good for showing emotion of the face and detail.

The over the shoulder shot is good for showing what the person is doing and kind of shows from there point of view.
This medium shot does a good job showing where he is at while he is still in frame.
This wide shot shows him running all the way around the corner. This is a good shot to get a lot in one shot.
This medium shot sets up for the close up of hands coming up. This medium shot is good for letting the viewer know where he is in the video.
Lastly the close up of the hands adds a more detailed and more dramatic clip to the viewer.