Friday, March 6, 2015

Alyssa Writing Interview

Movie Poster- Into The Storm

This is my movie poster I made in Adobe Illustrator for the movie Into the Storm. I really like how this poster turned out. Although I did run into a few problems with the poster whether it was time or finding what to use for the poster.

First things first my time management was not very good for this project and I learned from that. I learned for next time I need to manage my time well because since I didn't I felt sort of rushed towards the end of the project. One thing I had much trouble with was the tornado. I started out trying to make the tornado myself and then using the twirl tool to give it a tornado effect but it ended up looking very weird. Next I tried to get an actual picture of a tornado but I couldn't find one that worked with the poster well. So running out of time I had to use clip art which honestly doesn't look that bad although I wish I had the time to figure out a way to make an actual tornado in Illustrator.

Overall this poster didn't turn that bad but there are things I definitely would of done differently to make this a better movie poster.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Working With Type

The Working with Type tutorial really helped with learning how to Kurn and to line up letters. This will help me with typography and with my movie poster. I also learned that you can change the space in between letters specifically. Once I got the hang of things it was quite easy.